Wonder planet of titanium clouds

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A wonder planet of titanium clouds

The universe is a wonder, beyond our imaginations. No one knows when what will be found in this world spread in the bottomless ocean. Something similar has happened even today, a strange planet surrounded by clouds of metals has been detected. Clouds of gold, silver, aluminum and iron including titanium are floating in the sky of this planet. It sounds incredible, but scientists claim that it is a reality and that the shiny clouds of metals really make this planet a wonder. Recently this planet with flying clouds of metals has been discovered.
This discovery has surprised the scientists. Scientists are calling this planet the biggest shining mirror of the universe.
This is such a planet, whose existence cannot even be imagined. It is an outer planet ie exoplanet far away from us. Its name is LTT 9779B. It is a reflective planet, which is super-hot. It is covered with reflective clouds of metal. Its distance from Earth is about 264 light years. Reflects or returns about 80 percent of the light shining on it from its parent star. If compared to the light reflected on the Earth, only 30 percent of the Sun’s light falling on the Earth is reflected. This exoplanet is about five times larger than Earth. Astronomers from Diego Portales University have made this discovery. Scientist James Jenkins, the discoverer, says that this planet is similar to a burning world close to its star. In which heavy clouds of metals are floating and drops of titanium are raining from the sky of this planet. Our planet Venus is also very bright. In which clouds of hydrogen float and acid rain falls on Venus. The planet LTT9779b has a surface temperature of about 2,000 degrees Celsius, which emits bright light in front of its star. Now scientists will study the metals flying in the form of clouds on this planet and find out which metals are present in these clouds.

the universe is still beyond our imagination

Brijesh Kumar, senior astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, says that the entire universe cannot be imagined. Don’t know where what is present and what impact it is leaving. As modern technology is developing, our understanding is also increasing.
Source and photo: space.in

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