Will there be life in this super earth

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Will there be life in this super earth

In search of another earth like Earth, now such an earth has been found, which scientists have named Super Earth. This new Earth is 150 light years away from us. The possibility of life is being expressed in this. It is also possible that it has a life similar to ours. But it will take time to find out. A planet Neptune has also been found along with Super Earth. Which scientists have named Mini Neptune. This discovery was made in Belgium and the US. Astronomers have done together. These days the planet is 150 light years away from us. Don’t know how many solar systems exist in the universe like ours. Hundreds of solar systems have been seen so far, but the solar system that has been seen now, that Sun is very different from all of them. In which one is equal to the earth. Which is named Super Earth, while in the second class Mini-Neptunes do exist. These two are circling a red dwarf star and seem to be doing a kind of supernatural dance. Researchers from the University of Liège, Belgium, claim that 150 light-years away in the solar system, there is a fantastic world of two planets. Astronomers have made this discovery through NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and ground-based telescope. Both these planets are rocky like Earth. Being rocky planets, their importance increases to a great extent. The names of these two planets are TOI-2096B and TOI.-2096 is c. Both of them are bigger than the earth in size. Scientists say that it will be easy to study the atmosphere of these two planets. This work will be started soon. For this, the help of James Webb Space Telescope installed in space will be taken. The Webb telescope has been installed at an altitude of 1.5 million km in space and has the ability to see very far. With this, the atmosphere and internal structure of both these planets can be easily detected.Former scientist of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, Prof. RC Kapoor says that so far more than five thousand planets have been discovered and these two discovered planets also raise the hope that life may exist in a super earth. Then many similarities should be like the earth. However, it will be known only after some time.

Source and photo: Earth Sky.

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