Who will win – India or Russia? Moon Mission Chandrayaan 3 or Luna 25

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Who will win – India or Russia?
Moon Mission Chandrayaan 3 or Luna 25

Who will make important discoveries in India’s Chandrayaan 3 and Russia’s Luna 25 Moon mission? The result will be worth watching. Chandrayaan 3 and Luna 25 have reached very close to the Moon and the eyes of the world are focused on both the countries. Now both the missions will have to go through a rigorous test for soft landing. However, Russia’s Luna 25 will land on the lunar surface two days before the Indian mission. The interesting thing is
To reach the moon, Chandrayaan 3 has adopted a long, safe and less expensive route, while Russia has decided to go through the shortcut. Chandrayaan 3 was launched on July 14 last month. In comparison, Luna 25 flew last Friday. The destination and objective of both the missions are the same, but the paths are different. The special thing is that these days the issue has become hot among the scientists of the whole world regarding two things that which mission will touch the moon’s land first and whether it will be successful in soft landing or not. People’s interest has increased on these two subjects especially in the world. Scientists, on the other hand, believe that the subject of the first landing is redundant. The real issue would be research. Better results should come. New information about the moon should come to the fore and the search should get a new direction and dimension, which can take man to some point in the ascent of space.

America in preparation one step ahead of India and Russia

The American space agency NASA is preparing to go one step ahead of India and Russia, which has set the goal of sending humans to Mars along with the moon. This preparation of NASA has intensified since last one year. The name of this mission is Artemis. This mission will go beyond Phase 4 as well. Whose first phase i.e. the first test of Artemis 1 has been successful. NASA aims to land people on the moon on the Artemis 3 mission. Which is targeted to be launched in late 2025 or 2026. NASA is making this preparation after 1972 to land on the moon. Apollo 17 was the last landing on the moon by NASA. NASA wants to complete all the previous steps towards getting the moon through Artemis.


India and Russia will prove to be an important part of the search for liquid water in the Moon mission, which can be found in the south pole of the moon.
Both missions will become the first in the world to land a lander on the South Pole. Luna-25 will analyze lunar water and soil samples and conduct long-term scientific research on the lunar surface. Here Chandrayaan-3 mission is carrying a lander and a rover, which will investigate the atmosphere, soil, ice and geological condition of the moon.
Source and photo: ISRO

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