Where did the water on earth come from

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Where did the water on earth come from

Life is not possible without water. Our body also has the largest amount of water. At the time of the origin of the earth, it was a blazing ball of fire. In which water could not even be imagined. But then something happened that the earth got submerged. But where and how the immense water came to the earth, this mystery still remains, but the James Webb Space Telescope has discovered such a comet, which can reveal the secret of the source of water reaching the earth. The name of this comet is 238P/Reed.

Discovery of the James Webb Space Telescope
Water exists around Comet 238P/Reed, which lurks in the main asteroid belt. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope installed in space has seen it layer by layer. In fact, scientists are very eager to gather information about the origin of water on earth. Studies have been done in this context for several decades.

comets must have brought water on earth

Scientists have been speculating till now that water must have reached the earth through some comet, but could never collect concrete evidence for it. But from the comet which has been seen now, it seems that the source of water reaching our earth will be known. The discovering scientists also say that the discovery of this comet containing water vapor could be a significant boost to the theory that water, a key ingredient for life, may have been delivered to our planet from space by comets.

This comet is rarely full of water

However, this comet is in the main asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. Also, this comet is considered rare due to the presence of water vapor. Scientists from the University of Maryland and the University for Research in Astronomy have made this discovery.

Detailed information about comets will be available in future
Discoverer scientist astronomer Heidi Hummel says that comets in the asteroid belt are very small and dim to see. But the James Webb Space Telescope can see inside them. Now further studies of this comet will start and the results that will come out will bring out many interesting results. Along with this, research in comets will also increase.

Comets are an important part of the solar system

Comets are important members of our solar family, living in the outer reaches of the Solar System apart from the planets Mars and Jupiter and orbiting the Sun like planets. A lot of snow accumulates in them. Sometimes they sacrifice themselves by falling into the blazing sun.
Source: Earth Sky
Photo; JWST.

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