When telling the truth of aliens with other inhabited planets, other sun stars, an Italian scientist was tied to a peg in the crossroads and burnt alive.

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When telling the truth of aliens with other inhabited planets, other sun stars, an Italian scientist was tied to a peg in the crossroads and burnt alive.


Millions of galaxies, billions and trillions of stars, millions of suns, earth-like bodies in the infinite vast universe from time immemorial. In those millions of stars, why did the existence and development of life-world happen in a liquid like our sun and only in the earth? There is only one question in the mind of all of us, Is the existence of life possible only in our earth??? Is the world of living beings not possible in other millions and millions of bodies of the vast universe?
The infinite universe is like a farmer’s field in the earth, only one plant does not grow in the field, just like in the field of space there can be objects like the earth, millions of light years away, in which there can be life in any form.
We have been thinking about them since ancient times, the mention of Ghuloka, Antariksh Lok, Gandharva Lok has come repeatedly in Indian narratives. Our thinking is based on the fact that the time cycle rotates continuously, the universe is eternal, and there are many worlds in it.


The great mathematician – astronomer Aryabhata has said-

Kaloyamnaghan: Time is eternal. Thinkers like Aflatun and Aristotle also accepted the diversity of life in the world.
Copernicus (1473-1543) was the first to prove that our Earth is not the central body of the Solar System. After that interest in astronomy increased even more. Since before that our ancestors had come to consider the earth as the center of the universe. At the same time, when Bruno (1547-1600 AD), the Italian ‘astronomer’, told the Europeans that there are innumerable suns and earths like ours in the universe and they can also have inhabited planets and creatures, then the price of this information was given to them by giving their lives. Had to pay People who recognized the ancient beliefs, tied them to pegs in a crossroads of Rome city and burnt them alive.


Copernicus’ heliocentric theory and the discovery of the telescope shocked the public and mythological opinions.


The possibility of the existence of life on many objects of the universe was strengthened when Galileo’s telescope proved to be a non-living body from 1609. Where the world of other aliens was told before the invention of telescopes, today in 2022 we have started exploring there with the ability to peep into the infinite universe with powerful telescopes like James.


We kept looking for life on Mars

We kept looking for life on Mars.
Many scientists have been believing that Mars and Earth are one and the same and that life must exist in Mars too. The great scientist Carl Federic Gauss made a plan in 1835 to interact with intelligent beings on Mars and thought that if there is a human on Mars then they must have known the Pythagorean theorem. He asked to dig a huge figure of Pythagoras theorem in the forest of Siberia.
And in the same year, 1835, the research of Mars was recorded in history. The moons of Mars Phobos and Deimus were discovered. In the same year, Giovanni saw a network of straight lines on the surface of Mars with binoculars and named them ‘Canali’, a narrow channel of water. Now the curiosity of the common citizen had increased that whether creatures like us would definitely exist there or notAfter that American astronomer Pracival Lowell established an observatory at the Arizona Flag Staff America and after studying on Mars for many years wrote a treatise called “Mars: Holder of Life” in 1908, he strongly advocated the existence of humans on Mars. Claimed. Novelists and writers propagated the recognition of the habitation of humans on Mars.Great scientific story British novelist H. B. Wells in his 1898 novel War of the World, published a book detailing the fictional account of the Martians in his novel War of the Worlds, saying that the Martians have been attacking the Earth for water.

Said in 1938 that aliens are about to land in New Jersey

Orsen Welles broadcast on the radio in 1938 the words of Welles’s novel and said that the aliens were about to land in New Jersey. Then there was an atmosphere of fear and excitement. And it was said that the Mangavasis are coming for water. Since the beginning of the era of spaceships and powerful telescopes in 1957, we have been getting aware of new information about Mars from its new form till now. Sometimes there are pictures of alien’s hut and sometimes in caves, research is going on till date.

1957 ushered in the era of space research

In fact, after the beginning of the era of space research from 1957, there has been an increased interest in astronomy, including scientists, about the search for life in the universe, the search for planets like life, and the study of nature is important in the search for life in space. The subject has become
Scientists have now discovered millions of galaxies, our galaxy’s neighbor, Devayani Mandakini, 20 light years away from us. In such a large universe in which crores of billions of galaxies exist. The Sun is just a normal star in our galaxy. There is life in Earth, while there are countless planets of billions of stars in other galaxies. Space and time have been mentioned in the previous posts written on the sun) In the infinite universe, physical components like solar system and earth are also found in other bodies, then why are they not there. The creation and development of life has happened only in our earth, how can it be possible, while there are innumerable possibilities for the existence of life in the universe.


Where did the components of the origin of life come from

Where did the components of the origin of life come from? Even today, this question (bypassing mythological, religious beliefs) how life originated and developed from a scientific point of view is still conceivable today. A theory is given. Darwin believed that in the early history of the earth, from abiotic fluids, as a result of chemical evolution, primary organic forms emerged. Life originated from the development of abiotic fluids under certain favorable conditions. But here also the question is that from where did these biological components come or get them for the origin of the organism? To solve this question, the Russian scientist Ivanochin Oparin gave a theory called the origin of life in 1924. Said – The origin of the living world is not a coincidence but the evolution of the liquid. Before the origin of life, the process of synthesis of organic matter was intense, after that the living beings themselves started creating organic matter in the earth. He explained all the steps. Eventually the living beings emerged. Broadly these steps are- (1) the synthesis of smaller molecules such as amino acids, (2) the assembly of larger bacteria such as proteins and nucleic acids from these molecules (3) the more complex organization of these larger bacteria and (4) the emergence of life.

Initially other scientists J.B. S

 Haldane and Bernal refined this theory, after which this theory was tested in the laboratory. Young scientist Stanley Miller made important tests and studies of it in 1953 and left electric currents in a mixture of carbon sources – methane, nitrogen sources – ammonia, hydrogen and water. From this experiment he obtained amino acids. After that other scientists obtained results by using ultraviolet rays, heat-lamps for the source of energy. Then scientist Sidney Fox obtained small protein components from amino acids prepared in a test tube.


Earth originated 4.6 billion years ago


Let us tell you that the origin of the Earth happened 4.6 billion years ago. The appearance of life on Earth 3.5 billion years ago i.e. it took 1.1 billion years for the emergence of life.) Scientists also believe that initially there was no oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. It originated later through the process of photosynthesis. Before this, only methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water vapor were dominant. After Miller and Fox, many scientists conducted experiments and obtained other complex biological components.
Currently, research on objects in space suggests that chemical combinations of bio-components can also occur in the outer universe.

Photo – Credit: Getty Images

Source – web sites


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