Tremendous explosion in the sun again

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Tremendous explosion in the sun again

There has been an explosion in the Sun’s magnetic field on Friday night. The direction of this explosion was Earth Direct i.e. towards the Earth. Whose effect will be seen on the earth on 24 April. 21 April This explosion has happened in the southern hemisphere of the Sun. Due to which a cloud of highly energetic particles spread in our direction. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has released its video and picture.

US Air Force reported solar radio

In this event, the US Air Force issued a notification of a powerful solar radio burst shortly after the explosion. Which explained that these are natural shortwave emissions generated by shock waves before the CME as it passes through the Sun’s atmosphere. The speed of this geomagnetic solar storm is estimated to be around 580 km/s (1.3 million mph).

Sun is very active these days

Dr. Wahabuddin, former solar scientist of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute ARIES, told that these days Sun is very active. Because of which it is natural for the Sun to explode. This is the 25th solar cycle and continues through the period of maximum. This means that explosions will continue to occur on the surface of the Sun. The Maxima run would continue for another two years.

Source: Spaceweather.

Video: Soho.

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