TRAPPIST-1 star has a solar system of seven planets like ours

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TRAPPIST-1 star has a solar system of seven planets like ours


The news heard by scientists about a solar system with seven planets like ours is encouraging. Any one of these seven planets can be habitable. The star of these planets is named Trappist-1 and all the planets orbit it very closely.

Scientists have discovered more than 5 thousand exoplanets so far. Out of which there are only a few, in which the possibility of being habitable has been expressed. On which scientists have been continuously studying. Now after studying the planets of TRAPPIST-1 star, it has come to the conclusion that one of these planets can be habitable. The possibilities of life on the planets of this solar system have been debated for a long time among scientists. It was believed that liquid water could exist in the vicinity of this stellar body ie planets. Because the temperature of these planets is similar to that of the planets in our solar system. Scientists who study say that the world of these planets was very harsh earlier. In the past, TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets were subjected to much harsher conditions and their star was much hotter. Scientists studied the evolution of the atmospheres of these planets based on computer modeling techniques. Due to which the result came out that liquid water can survive on some planets of this solar system. The star TRAPPIST-1 is smaller and cooler than the Sun in our Solar System, but all seven of its planets orbit at a distance much smaller than the distance between Mercury, the innermost planet of our Solar System. Astronomer Frank Selsis and his colleagues from the University of Bordeaux, France, have done this research. This outer solar system is 40 light years away from us.

Life can be in any other form

The researchers say the research will help scientists better interpret the James Webb Space Telescope’s findings. In addition to exploring the early universe, James Webb is involved in the search for traces of water on exoplanets in the Milky Way. Scientists believe that the possibility of existence of life in the universe cannot be ruled out. Where life can exist in some form or the other.

Source: Earth Sky. edited.
Photo: University of Bordeaux

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