This volcano is spread in 50 km radius

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This volcano is spread in 50 km radius

There is a revolution among our scientists in the desire to make the moon their own. Everyday new discovery news has made this satellite a different identity. Now the news that has come out shows that the geological condition of the moon is not different from the activity of our earth. There too, once upon a time there used to be the dominance of volcanoes.
Astronomers have detected a sleeping or dead volcano on the Moon. It is an ancient volcano located on the far side of the Moon. This is a hidden ancient volcano, which could not reach the surface and is still burning inside. Due to which this upper surface of the moon is hot. The temperature of this place remains high. This is the Compton–Belkovich region of the Moon. Scientists traced this volcano by finding radioactive granite inside it. Scientists say that due to the presence of granite, there is strong proof of the existence of a volcano. Scientists of Planetary Science Institute (PSI) have made this discovery. According to the discovery scientists, there is a large ancient unknown heat source under the far surface of the Moon. It is in the form of a large mass of granite. It contains radioactivity left over from an active volcano. This ancient volcano is most similar to terrestrial volcanoes found so far. This was detected through data from the Chinese lunar orbiters Chang’e 1 and Chang’e 2. It is a long-dead volcano that erupted 3.5 billion years ago. It is spread over an area of ​​about 50 km. This region of the moon is very cold. But the place where this volcano is located, the temperature there remains 10 degree Celsius. It is a long-dead volcano that erupted 3.5 billion years ago. This volcano is spread over an area of ​​about 50 km. This discovery has been published in the science journal Nature.


It will be easy to know the internal structure of other solid planets

University of Florida geologist Stephen MElardo says that this new discovery of a huge mass of granite on the Moon is incredibly interesting. We have tons of different types of granite all over the earth. With this discovery, we can easily find out about the internal structure of other rocky bodies in the Solar System.
Source: Planetary Science Institute.
Photo: Bablu Chandra.

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