This time the sun is very active, then a huge flare has sprung up, now the effect will be seen on the poles of the earth.

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This time the sun is very active, then a huge flare has sprung up, now the effect will be seen on the poles of the earth.

In many countries including India, the monsoon is not taking a mild reading, so the sun is showing tremendous attitude in the sky. Few  hours ago, the Sun has spewed a tremendous fire. Whose intensity has been assessed as M6 class. this one. There was a long period of increased flare. The telescopes of many space agencies of the world have captured this horror on camera. Its effect will be seen on the poles of the earth in the next few days.

Dr. Wahabuddin, former director of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute and solar scientist Dr. Wahabuddin told that this time the sun has become more active than expected. In the last six months, many huge flames have come out from the surface of the Sun and many records have also been seen this time. Here, for the last few days, the sun spot 3363 visible to the naked eye was formed, which was visible in the southwest region of the Sun. Due to its large size, the eyes of solar scientists from all over the world were kept on this sun spot. It was expected that there would be a big explosion in this sun spot and that is what happened on Tuesday morning.

In which a big flare of M6-category came out. This flame was so tremendous that it was seen for a long time. The flame coming out of this explosion was captured from many observatories of the world including NASA. The special thing is that the direction of this flame is towards the earth. Whose effect will be seen in the form of aurora on the poles of the earth between two or three days. The Global Oscillation Network Group, SOHO and SDO from Big Bear Solar Observatory, USA have made videos of this flare and have issued a warning that this flare means direct.

Dr. Wahab says that even though this Jwala is of M6 class, it was no less powerful than X class. This flame remained for a long period. Because of which it became an attraction. This is the 25th solar cycle going on. In this solar cycle, the number of sun spots has reached so high that it has broken the record of the last 21 years.
Source: ARIES.
Photo: Soho.

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