This planet is revolving around two suns

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This planet is revolving around two suns

Astronomers have discovered a planet orbiting two suns. This solar system is present in the Pictor constellation. Scientists are considering it a rare discovery. This twin star planet is 1,320 light-years away from us. The name of this spherical planet is TOI-1338 b, while the name of the twin star is TOI-1338.
In 2020, NASA’s exoplanet-hunting TESS space telescope saw this planet for the first time. Took a long time to confirm this. Meanwhile, the help of the European Southern Observatory and the Very Large Telescope located in the Atacama Desert of Chile was taken. Despite this, it could not be confirmed to be a planet. But this search turned into another planet. However, after a lot of struggle, the reality of this planet could be known. This planet revolves around its stars in about 95 days. Scientists estimate that its mass is 22 times that of Earth. Till some time ago today, it was believed that the imagination of the planets of twin stars is just a fantasy. But after the arrival of NASA’s telescope Kepler, the world of planets came to know. Or understand that there has been a revolution in the world of planetary exploration. Along with this, the discovery of planets of binary ie twin stars also started. Kepler has so far discovered 5200 outer planets. Astrophysicist Matthew Standing of England’s Open University has brought this discovery to the end with his colleagues. He says this discovery was a great challenge. Actually it was originally believed that there is no existence of circumbinary planets i.e. planets of twin stars. This is because binary stars shake up the planet-forming disk and create a harsh environment for planet formation.
According to Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, this is a rare discovery. With the advent of the Kepler telescope, the world of planets has started to be found. In the future, another planet like Earth will definitely be found.
Source and photo: Earth Sky

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