This month will be special for study with the view of Saturn/Comet 12P/Ponce-Brooks is still dimly visible

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This month will be special for study with the view of Saturn/Comet 12P/Ponce-Brooks is still dimly visible

The month of August is going to be special with Shani Darshan and studies. This month Saturn is going to reach near us. This planet will be seen shining like a golden star. It can be seen clearly with the naked eye. Saturn is going to reach the position of opposition on the night of 27th August.

Saturn has its own place and identity in the solar system. Her shining rings attract everyone towards her. Now at the end of this month, when the planet Saturn will be in opposition to the Sun, then its view will be special. On August 27, the sun would be setting in the west, while Saturn would be rising in the east. Saturn will be visible throughout the night. At the time of sunset, Saturn can be easily seen while rising in the east. On the night of August 27, scientists say that this night will be important for scientists studying Saturn. This night will be very special for astronomy lovers. Its rings can be seen with binoculars. Saturn is usually closest to Earth during August 27.

According to Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, Senior Astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, even though there is a year left for Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks to come closer to Earth, it will be a pleasant feeling to see it after a long gap of 73 years. Amateur scientists have started searching for it. It is expected that due to the availability of state-of-the-art features of the camera, its better pictures will be seen. Also it will be easy to study.
At present, it is seen dim and it is moving closer to us in the inner orbit of the solar system. Next year in 2024, it will reach closest to Earth on June 2.
Source: Earth Sky.
Photo: NASA.

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