This is the biggest GRB explosion ever, the flame reached the earth

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This is the biggest GRB explosion ever, the flame reached the earth

Small explosions are common in space, but great explosions are rare, now the explosion seen is being told the biggest explosion ever. This is a Gamma-ray burst (GRB) explosion. This explosion was so terrible that its flame reached the ionosphere of the Earth. The explosion that creates a stir in the Earth’s atmosphere cannot be minor at all. Scientists believe that this explosion happened due to the formation of a black hole.

Earth was also not untouched by this terrible explosion.

It is not easy to fathom the mysteries of the universe spread in the infinite ocean. Due to the arrival of new research and state-of-the-art technology, it has become somewhat easier to get information, which has become possible after the continuous efforts of astronomers for the last four hundred years. Now the new information that has come out is shocking. In this discovery, the brightest gamma ray burst has been observed so far. Scientists say that this was such a huge supernova explosion in the universe that even the Earth remained untouched by its movement.

GRB 221009a explosion originated from blackhole

According to the scientists who discovered this bright gamma-ray burst, GRB 221009a originated from the formation of a black hole in a star in a galaxy billions of light-years away. Radiation from the explosion traveled through our Milky Way galaxy. This radiation encountered the dust clouds of the Milky Way. Scattered radiation upon encountering the dust of the Milky Way. Because of which tremendous light was generated in the clouds of gas.

The explosion was 2.4 billion light-years away

The light emitted in this explosion appeared in the form of rings. This explosion is believed to be the brightest ever. The special thing is that this explosion happened during the formation of a black hole of a star, which was 2.4 billion light-years away from the Earth and it disturbed the Earth’s ionosphere. This is why X-ray radiation illuminates the dust in our Milky Way galaxy.

This secret was revealed last week

Astronomers revealed the discovery last week at the American Astronomical Society’s High Energy Astrophysics meeting in Waikoloa, Hawaii. Scientists from Italy Scuola Universitaria Superiore, Volodymyr Savchenko, University of Geneva and Switzerland were involved in this discovery.

Source: Earth Sky.

Photo: NASA

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