There is no place for aliens in the inner core of the moon

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There is no place for aliens in the inner core of the moon

In European and American countries, there have been talks about the location of aliens in the inner core of the Moon, but nothing like this is in its inner core, rather it is as solid as Earth’s tax. After several decades, the secret of the inner core of the Moon is now clear. Scientists from France and Paris have revealed the Moon’s core to be as solid as the Earth’s. This discovery has been published in the journal Nature Science.

Many beliefs are common regarding the internal structure of the moon.

Various ideas and concepts have been coming forward regarding the geological composition of the Moon. Due to its low gravity, its core was believed to be hollow. Earthquakes are also more frequent on the Moon than on Earth. Also, in the past, the belief of being the location of aliens was common.

Its core is 500 km in diameter

But due to lack of any solid evidence beyond the truth, all the talks have been happening about the moon. But now these statements will come to an end. A new study has shown that the inner core of the Moon is solid. Whose density is similar to that of iron. It is about 500 km in diameter. Something similar was visible in the previous estimates of scientists. But now there is no room for doubt.

The search started in the 1960s

Humans, robotic landers, rovers and orbiters have all gathered information about the Moon’s inner core since the 1960s. But solid evidence could not be found. Scientists have always been worried about its inner core being solid or liquid. Due to which the need for in-depth study was felt.

Discovery of scientists of France and Paris

Scientists from several institutions in France, the CNRS, the Université Côte d’Azur, the Côte d’Azur Observatory, the Sorbonne University and the Paris Observatory PSL, conducted the collective study. In this research, geophysical, geological constraints and thermodynamic simulations were modeled by various techniques and a comparative study of various possible internal structures of the Moon was done.

Outer core also confirmed to be liquid

The gravity and density of Earth and Moon were also included in the study. Then the exact result came out. This research confirmed that the outer core of the Moon is liquid, which is about 15 percent of the total size of the Moon, and the density of the inner core is about 7,822 kg per cubic meter. The researchers also confirmed that the outer core is fluid, and is 724 km in diameter.

Indian scientists said this discovery was necessary

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, Senior Astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, says that the Moon is going to be the destination of scientists, which will prove to be a milestone in the way of reaching other planets in the future. That’s why it was very important to have its geological information. The next missions can be designed after its solid core is accurately detected.

Source: CNRS.

Photo: Bablu Chandra

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