The secret of the Milky- Way’s elusive stars

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The secret of the Milky- Way’s elusive stars

At the center of our galaxy the Milky Way is a world of elusive stars that change shape. His strange behavior remained a mystery. They were called ghost stars because of their sudden appearance and disappearance. Now their secret has been revealed. This mystery was made for the last decade.
Scientists were perplexed by the ghostly behavior of the stars at the center of the Milky Way. It used to make me think that what is this puzzle after all. For almost a decade, efforts were being made to understand this mystery. But even after many years, this puzzle could not be solved. But now it has been exposed. According to the discovering scientists, these cosmic ghosts exist in the form of clouds of planetary nebulae gas. Those who are thrown out by the dying stars at the end of their life, suddenly disappear and reappear. The way butterflies open or close their wings, their behavior also becomes the same. scientists say that when the core of a Sun-like star runs out of fuel for nuclear fusion and in about 5 billion years it grows into a red giant and swallows up the inner planets, leaving it as a gaseous remnant around a white dwarf star. drop offs. The end-time process of our Sun will be similar. This research has been published in the latest issue of Astrophysical Journal Letters.

This discovery deepens the thinking about the dynamics of the galaxy

Albert Zijlstra, astrophysicist at the University of Manchester, says the discovery that planetary nebulae provide us with a window into the center of our galaxy deepens our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the Milky Way’s bulge region . In fact, there is still a lot that needs to be understood. There is no fathom of the depth of space spread in infinity. Which will take a long time to understand. Our future generations will take this work forward.
Source: Earth Sky.
Photo: Hubble and other telescopes

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