The discovery of two planets sharing same orbit

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The discovery of two planets sharing same orbit

Two planets can share the same orbit , it has been discovered for the first time. In the distant space , both the planets are following each other. The names of these planets are PDS 70B and PDS 70C. scientists are considering this first discovery as intersting. The mention of two planets being in one orbit was found in stories. Due to which there effects are also mentioned. This idea used to come in the minds of scientists as well. But now this truth has emerged, so apart form this it’s effect on other bodies, many other information will be gathered. The credit for the discovery of these planets goes to the scientists of the centre for astrobiology in Madrid Spain. The scientists leading the discovery, Olga balsalo-rusa had the idea and predicted it theoretically to decades ago. Which stated that pairs of planets with similar diameter can share similar orbits around their stars co-orbiting planets . It took two decades to prove it and it’s evidence has been found. This discovery has been published in the journal astronomy and astrophysics on 19 July 2023. The discovery was done by the europian southern observatory’s ALMA telescope in Chile. Take out photographs of the twin planets have a similar to a golden ring. At the center of the ring is the star PDS 70 and on either side are the planets, which is present in a fixed distance but in a same orbit.

The journey will be interesting of these planets.

Reasearcher scientist Bolsalobre – ruza says that- more the interesting of its journey, more will be it’s further study. It has to be seen whether these two planets stay in the same orbit or change. Also, how can they influence the small planets near them. Due to which the interest of scientists will remain towards these two planets. However, this discovery is the first step towards finding co-orbital planets early in their formation.

Source: Arth Sky.

Photo: ALMA.

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