Surprising discovery of newborn planet in distant space

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Surprising discovery of newborn planet in distant space

Like us, the planets also have their own fixed life. They are born and end after a time. It is important what processes they have to go through in the middle of their life from birth to death. The recent discovery of a newborn planet provides important insight into the infant stage of planetary life. The special thing is that this planet is still going through the process of development. Its arms are taking a spiral shape.

This is such a discovery, which clears up the mystery of the birth of planets to a great extent. Recently scientists have discovered a newborn planet, 500 light years away from Earth. Its star is an infant compared to our Sun. Scientists believe that for the first time such a planet has been discovered. This planet has been named MWC 758 c. This newborn planet is made of gas and is much larger than Earth in size. Orbiting its young star about 500 light-years away from Earth. Scientists believe that its origin has not taken much time. This new solar system may have come into existence a few million years ago, while our solar system came into existence 4.6 billion years ago. During the origin of our solar system, a disk of dust and gas formed around it, which is still present today. This is called the protoplanetary disk. Astronomers first observed distinct spiral arms in the disk in 2013. Theoretical simulations at the time suggested that giant planets could be responsible for the spiral arms. This newborn planet is also forming its spiral arms. At the same time, it is helping small other companion planets to form. In future, many more planets will be born in this solar system. Seeing the formation of which will help in understanding the origin of the planets. Research scientists from the University of Arizona made this discovery and this month the research has been published in Nature Astronomy.

Many mysteries still remain about the origin of the planets

Prof RC Kapoor, former scientist at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, says that the origin of the planets is yet to be understood in depth. Although we understand how they originate, but it is also very important to understand the nuances. Now scientists will keep an eye on MWC 758c planet. From which many information will be available in future.

The mystery of the origin of the moon remains intact.

Even though the countries of the world are competing to establish authority on the moon and India also wants to maintain its supremacy on the moon through Chandrayaan 3. But the fact is that the mystery of the origin of the Moon still remains. There are many assumptions regarding its origin. Which is yet to be confirmed.
Source: Earth Sky.
Photo: Hubble

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