Sun on verge of breaking 20th century record

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Sun on verge of breaking 20th century record

The Sun is tremendously active in this solar cycle. Solar Kalank has broken the record of last 21 years. The solar flares are also spewing tremendous fire in this season. There are tremendous explosions on the surface of the Sun. Whose effect is visible on the poles of the earth. This is the condition of solar activity now, while its peak period is yet to come, which will start after next year and a half. Due to which scientists are speculating that this solar cycle may break the records of the last century.

Sunspots solar panels on the surface of the Sun have broken the record of the last 21 years. After 2002, this time in the month of June, excessive sunspots have been seen, which are emerging much more than expected. Solar scientists are surprised by the increasing number of sunspots.

The Royal Observatory of Belgium Solar Influence Data Analysis Center has released the report. This organization keeps a record of the activity happening in the Sun. The new report states that the average sunspot count for the month of June was 163. However, the Sun is very active in this solar cycle.
This solar cycle has become more active than expected, while solar scientists had estimated that this solar cycle would be normal or relaxed like the previous 24th solar cycle. The time period of one solar cycle is about 11 years. This is the 25th solar cycle, which is expected to peak till 2025. The maximum period of this solar cycle started from December 2019.
Scientists predicted that it would be as weak as solar cycle 24. Solar scientists estimate that the way this solar cycle is seen to be active, it may break the records of the 20th century.

Waiting for the launch of Aditya L1

Aditya L1, the first Indian solar mission to the Sun, is likely to be launched this month. Solar scientists of the world are waiting for the launch of this mission.
ISRO has almost completed the preparations for the launch. Mission co-chairman and director of ARIES, Prof. Dipankar Banerjee told that Aditya L1 will be able to monitor every activity of the Sun. Regarding this mission, ARIES is conducting many programs in various educational institutions these days. Data will begin to be received once L1 is established in orbit. ARIES will play an important role in the work of data analysis. ARIES has been working for the last three years to execute this task. Under which training programs are being organized. The data center has been built.
Source and photo: Space Weather

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