Stones are falling in space from NASA’s mission

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Stones are falling in space from NASA’s mission

Man has become so strong that he can create a stir even in the universe. NASA has done something similar. He hit an asteroid named Dimorphos in such a way that now stones have started falling from it and scattering in space. This event is happening 96 lakh km away from the earth.

Last year, NASA from this asteroid with the spacecraft Dart
Had a collision. Now boulders of three to 22 feet size have started falling in space. NASA has released the report of this incident.  American space agency NASA had conducted an important test regarding the protection of the Earth from minor planets. In which the spacecraft was launched in 2021 under the Dart mission. After traveling for one year, DART collided with the asteroid Dimorphos. Dart was successful in its mission and hit the asteroid Dimorphos at a speed of 24 thousand km per hour. This was a historic event by humans in space. In this event, an increased amount of debris from the asteroid Dimorphos was scattered in space. But now the information that is coming out is surprising. Huge boulders are falling from the asteroid Dimorphos and spreading into space. NASA has made its information public. Currently, the space telescope Hubble is keeping an eye on Dimorphos. Boulders falling from Dimorphose are now wandering in space with the speed of an enlarged turtle. ESA will finalize this mission in 2026 and gather information about the changes on Dimorphos. According to the asteroid Dimorphos orbits its nearest asteroid Didymos at a distance of 1.2 km. No harm can be done to our earth by these celestial bodies. Both these asteroids are 96 lakh km away from us. They were discovered in 1996. The size of the asteroid Dimorphos is about 520 feet. NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) have jointly created the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission. This mission changed the orbit of these asteroids in DART. Nasa has completed the work of the first phase. Now ESA will do further work.

This test was necessary for protection from asteroids

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey says that it is very important to protect the earth from the countless number of objects wandering in space. The earth has been injured many times by these bodies. This test was very important to protect the future of the Earth from asteroids.



Photo: NASA.

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