Space Race – between Chandrayaan-3 and Luna-25

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Space Race – between Chandrayaan-3 and Luna-25

Russia is desperate to get lost credibility in space. That too used to be a period when Soviet Russia used to have a monopoly right in the space mission. But in the last 40 years, it went backward and other countries of the world kept moving forward. But now Russia wants to prove itself through Lunar Mission Luna-25. Russia has again jumped on the moon on Friday.

There is competition among many countries of the world to strengthen the hold on the Moon. The American space agency NASA is at the forefront of this race, while China is no less behind. India launched Chandrayaan 3 last month, so now Russia has launched Luna 25 on Friday to regain lost credibility.

Russia’s Luna 25 launch will land on the South Pole of the Moon. This is the same pole in which Chandrayaan-3 is about to land. But it is believed that Luna 25 will land on the Moon before Chandrayaan-3. Russia from Vostochny Cosmodrome

The Soyuz-2.1B rocket lander launched from the Luna-25 automated station. Russia is going to do moon landing after 1976. ISRO launched Chandrayaan-3 on July 14 last month. The Russian mission will travel to the moon for about five-and-a-half days and will orbit the moon for three to seven days in a 100-km orbit before landing on the surface. After this, soft landing will be done on 23 August. ISRO is also planning to launch Chandrayaan-3 on the same day. According to Reuters, the South Pole of the Moon is an important place. Where there can be a lot of snow. Which can be used to extract oxygen and fuel for future space exploration. The special thing is that both Russia and India will become the first countries in the world to land on the South Pole. Luna-25 will analyze lunar soil samples and conduct long-term scientific research on the lunar surface. here

The Chandrayaan-3 mission is carrying a lander and a rover, which will investigate the lunar atmosphere, soil, ice and geological conditions. The Luna-25 mission will operate in space for about a year.

Even though there is a competition to make the moon our own, but the whole world will get its benefit. Even though NASA is currently leading the race for space missions, Russia was once at the forefront of the world’s best space exploration programs. Russia’s last mission to land on the Moon was the Russian probe Luna 24, which carried a robotic lander in August 1976.

Source and photos: Earth Sky and ISRO.


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