So will the end of the earth 

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So will the end of the earth 

The existence of planets is linked with their stars. As long as there is life of the star, there will be life of the planet. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has observed for the first time a dying star devouring its planetAstronomer Kishle Day and colleagues made the discovery using the Zwicky Transient Facility, an optical survey telescope at Palomar Observatory in California.

event 12000 light years away

The researchers observed this event associated with a stellar merger about 12,000 light-years away in the constellation Aquila. In this event, for the first time, astronomers saw a dying star as if crying. Along with that star was swallowing one of its planets.

eventually becomes a giant star

Astrophysicists have long known that when the Sun runs out of hydrogen as its fuel, it expands, becoming a red giant and engulfing planets orbiting around it. During the end of the star the star exhausts the hydrogen fuel in its core and the fusion reactions that make the star glow expand outward in search of more fuel.

Earth’s age is five billion years left

Then the outer layers of the star begin to expand. The end of our Sun will also happen in the same way, which will end up taking Earth and other planets in its lap. But nothing like this is going to happen at present or in the near future. The age of the Sun is still about five billion years left. Only after this the sun will end.

According to Dr Shashibhushan Pandey

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, says that scientists had already ascertained the age and end of the Sun and the Earth. But this discovery confirms for the first time that the end of a star actually means the end of its entire solar system. With this discovery, the life of other solar systems present in the universe can be accurately detected.

Source and photo: International Gemini Observatory / NoirLab / NSF / Aura / M. Garlic / M. Zamani.

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