Recorded the longest distance the satellite We could not

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Recorded the longest distance the satellite

We could not go from one end of the earth to the other and NASA’s spacecraft voyager has made the longest journey of the planets of the solar system. It is indeed a very interesting journey of Voyager. Which holds the record of covering the longest distance in the world of space. NASA is very happy with Voyager’s long journey and is considering it as a big record. In fact, traveling billions of kilometers is easy, it is beyond our imagination. A common man can never think in this direction, but a scientist must have had the thought, due to which Voyager reached there and is working safely even today. To be able to cover such a long distance is not only the achievement of NASA scientists, but the victory of the entire earthlings. Scientists believe that this achievement is encouraging, which can generate new thinking of scientists.

Was launched in 1977

This artificial satellite of NASA i.e. spacecraft Voyager has reached 14 billion miles (23 billion km) away from the Earth on 1 April 2023. Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2, were launched 16 days apart in 1977. Both the spacecraft have visited Jupiter and Saturn. Also Voyager 2 has flown between Uranus and Neptune. , Now both Voyagers are traveling in the space between the stars. Voyager 1 officially passed the heliopause in 2012, becoming the first terrestrial vehicle to pass beyond the planets of the Solar System.

comes closer to the earth every year

Interestingly, for a few months every year the Voyager spacecraft come closer to Earth. This is because in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, we move away from the spacecraft. Then we go around the Sun and go back to them. So the distance between us is temporarily reduced.

was designed in the 1970s

Both Voyager spacecraft were designed in the early 1970s. They were created specifically to take advantage of a rare grouping of planets on one side of the Sun in our Solar System. This grouping, which only occurs every 176 years, allowed Voyagers to move from planet to planet via a gravity assist.

Took 33,000 pictures in a month

First, the Voyagers began taking pictures of Jupiter in January 1979. Voyager 1 made a close encounter with Jupiter in early April of that year. Then, Voyager 2 picked up the baton in late April. His encounters continued throughout August. Altogether the two spacecraft took more than 33,000 images of Jupiter and its five major satellites.

Reached Uranus and Neptune in 1986

After traveling to Jupiter, the journey of the spacecraft started towards Saturn. Saturn is 150 million km away from us and it took four years to reach Saturn. One reached Saturn in November 1980 and the other in August 1981. Voyager 1 then began to leave the Solar System, and Voyager 2 approached Uranus in January 1986 and Neptune in August 1989.

Source: Earth Sky.

Photo: NASA

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