Rare sight seen in Asman of Alaska

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Rare sight seen in Asman of Alaska

The sight of colorful lights i.e. Aurora is often seen, but the light seen last night was not only amazing but rare. which had never been seen before. It was a blue spiral aurora in the Alaskan sky. What the local people there saw after midnight was for the first time and was unbelievable.

people were surprised

Salat, who was a direct witness to this sight, says, “I was completely amazed and amazed when I first saw a distant bright light coming towards me from the northern horizon.” “At first I thought it was a jet plane flying through some clouds. Then it took a spiral shape and got bigger very fast.as shooting frantically with the two camera/tripod set-up knowing this was a unique event and within about seven minutes the scene was gone..But by then he had done his work. The mesmerizing wonderful sight was captured in the camera. An all-sky camera at the University of Alaska’s Poker Flat Research Range also captured the event.


Dr Wahabuddin

Indian solar scientist Dr. Wahabuddin says that the views of nature are beyond our imagination. No one knows when he will appear. The past was seen to be similar. At present the Sun is active. Which is giving rise to flames with continuous explosions. From whom such scenes will be seen even more on earth.

SpaceX Starship launch countdown resumes

It will be a little more time to launch the SpaceX Starship, which will be the most powerful rocket ever to fly. The countdown for the launch has started on Monday morning. There has been a slight delay in its launching due to a technical glitch. In which the flight was canceled due to a frozen valve problem. SpaceX said it would need at least 48 hours to try to relaunch Starship from its spaceport on the southern tip of Texas.

Source: Space Weather and ARIES.

Photo: Salat.

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