On September 29, NASA’s spacecraft Juno will reveal the secrets of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

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On September 29, NASA’s spacecraft Juno will reveal the secrets of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

These days the NASA spacecraft Juno will reach just above Jupiter’s moon Europa, 591 million km away from us. Europa is an icy satellite of Jupiter. Juno will probe the surface of this planet. Will gather information about the composition of the icy layer of the Moon and try to know more about the temperature. This will show how much change has changed in this satellite in the last twenty years. Juno has already come close to this satellite.


Juno will collect important data

Among the planets of the Solar System, NASA is particularly interested in Europa. This satellite is a Jovian moon, which scientists consider to be of a strange kind. Due to which NASA wants every kind of information about this satellite. Juno, reaching above it again on Thursday, will collect many important data. With the data obtained, NASA will be able to give shape to future plans. NASA scientists believe that the discovery of Juno will prove to be very helpful for future discoveries. Indeed, Europa is an icy planet and this ice world may have many similarities to our Earth.


Juno will be close to Europa on September 29, 2022 at 2:36 a.m. EDT

Juno will approach the moon Europa on September 29, 2022 at 2:36 a.m. EDT. It will reach within 538 km radius of Europa and take pictures. From this mission, scientists will be able to get many information about the interior of Europa. Get accurate information about the structure of the surface. Along with this, data of its ionosphere will also be available. Apart from this, Europa’s interaction with Jupiter’s magnetosphere can be recorded.


Europa’s next mission after Juno will launch Clipper

In the news of the discovery of planetary worlds, NASA has prepared many missions. Specifically, the next mission to Europa will launch Clipper. The Vlipper mission will be launched in 2024. Preparations are underway for this ambitious plan.


Juno also reached near Europa in 2021


The Juno spacecraft has already visited Europa. The last time it came close to Europa was on 16 October 2021. Then it took pictures of Europa taken from a distance of about 82,000 km , while this time on September 29, 2022, the distance between Juno and the satellite Europa will be only 538 km. However, Juno is still at a distance of 83397 km from Europa.

There may be a possibility of life in Europa

Europa is one of the four largest moons of Jupiter. This moon is Galilean and Jupiter is the second nearest planet. As of now, the diameter of Europa is 3,100 km. It is almost the same as our moon. Scientists believe that Europa’s surface is icy as well as watery. In which there is mud and beneath it is the ocean. Due to which scientists express the possibility of life on this moon.


Juno will be associated with the mission for the next three years

NASA’s Juno mission will serve for another three years, completing its mission by September 2025. According to NASA, 42 orbits have been made. Scientists are extremely interested in this planet. Due to which NASA scientists have also studied this satellite from the space telescope Hubble.


Was sent to Juno in 2011

Space Research Council NASA launched the Juno spacecraft on 5 August 2011 from Earth to study Jupiter and its satellites. After a journey of almost 5 years, it reached Jupiter on 5 July 2016. About $1.1 billion  has been spent on this campaign. It took a long journey of about 5 years to reach Jupiter from Earth.


Source: Earthsky &NASA

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