NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will open mysteries of Uranus and Neptune

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NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will open mysteries of Uranus and Neptune

The secrets of Uranus and Neptune located at the far end of the solar system can now be revealed. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has been reaching to place cities on both these planets since September. The purpose of this mission of NASA is to explore the deep atmosphere of both the planets.
Uranus and Neptune are two such planets of the solar system, about which much information has not been found yet. If we compare these planets with other nearby planets, many campaigns have been conducted on them and many important information has been obtained. The special thing is that both of them are huge planets of ice. Therefore, it is very important to collect information about their environment, only then scientists will be able to study outer planets like these properly. After examining Pluto, the New Horizons spacecraft is now going to reach closer to Uranus and Neptune, which in September will investigate these two planets more than 5 billion miles from Earth, from a place where they can easily be seen. To be seen The vehicle is fitted with a Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC), which will enable comprehensive coverage of both the planets from different angles. In this search, NASA has also included amateur astronomers from all over the world. They were studied by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1986 and 1989, and limited information was available then.

Big mystery of both energy absorbing and emitting planets

In the world of these two planets, the biggest mystery is to absorb and emit energy from the atmosphere. as well as how thermal energy travels from the planets’ possibly rocky cores to their outer atmospheres. Uranus in particular is more mysterious in this regard. Scientists say that it appears that hardly any heat flows from their interior into space. Coming to Neptune, it emits two and a half times more energy into space than Uranus, despite being a similar planet at first glance. Whose information will be available from New Horizons. The help of Hubble Space Telescope will also be taken in this study. Hundreds of amateur astronomers will be involved in this mission. It is expected that this time comprehensive information about these two planets will be gathered.

Source and photo: NASA. edited

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