NASA’s biggest interplanetary mission ever

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NASA’s biggest interplanetary mission ever


NASA’s biggest interplanetary mission ever

The US space agency NASA is going to launch the spacecraft Europa Clipper regarding the possibilities of life on Jupiter’s moon Europa. This satellite 2.6 billion kilometers away is covered with ice. Deep seas are hidden under the ice. In which the possibility of life being present is being expressed. Even though Europa is far away from us, but if there is life on this satellite, then the possibilities of life on other planets of space will also increase.

Will be launched next year

This mission of NASA is considered to be the biggest mission ever. Which will be launched next year in 2024. The spacecraft will take six years to reach Europa, which will also conduct reconnaissance of Jupiter’s other moons. Also will see the storms of Jupiter. Its most important task will reveal the secret of Europa’s icy layers.

NASA’s biggest interplanetary mission ever

The American space agency NASA has described the Europa Clipper spacecraft as the largest interplanetary mission ever. The construction and testing work of the equipment of this vehicle is in progress these days. Jupiter’s moon Europa is a mysterious moon. In which NASA has been working on this mission for more than a decade for the possibility of life. NASA scientists believe that a unique world may be hidden behind the icy layers of this moon.

This Europa Clipper will answer many questions

The spacecraft Europa Clipper aims to find answers to questions about the ocean that are still unanswered. The spacecraft will make more than 50 flybys over Europa, orbiting Jupiter. NASA says that this vehicle cannot orbit only Europa. Because there may be a danger to the vehicle in this. NASA has released a video regarding the progress of Europa Clipper. In which the equipment being prepared for the preparation of this vehicle, testing and scientists associated with the mission have been shown.

Prof R C Kapoor

Retired astronomer Prof. RC Kapoor of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, says that scientists of the world are eyeing NASA’s Europa Clipper mission. We all know about Europa’s layers of ice, but we don’t know about the worlds hidden inside. It is possible that there is a different type of life in some form. Whose exact address will be able to tell only Europa Clipper.

Source: NASA.

Photo: NASA.

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