More beautiful than full moon, this star will be visible in daylight

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More beautiful than full moon, this star will be visible in daylight

This will be the first time when we will be able to see a star dying in front of our eyes. This giant star in distant space is breathing heavily. With the explosion at the last moment of life, it will appear brighter than the full moon. Will be able to see this astronomical phenomenon even in daylight. The name of this giant star is Betelgeuse. Astronomers have been keeping an eye on this star for a long time and are watching its heartbeats moving intermittently. Sometimes its brightness decreases and sometimes it increases. At its end, this star will become as bright as the full moon. This red giant star is to the left of the constellation Orion. Scientists say that it is going to become a supernova soon, that means it will have a tremendous explosion. This star is about 650 light-years away from Earth. It is usually counted among the top 10 brightest stars in the night sky. At present its brightness has increased by 14 percent. It can be seen with naked eyes. This massive star has burned the hydrogen present in its core and has expanded to hundreds of times its original size. Now adding helium to carbon and oxygen. This is how the life of a star ends. The beginning of its end started appearing before 2019. Scientists believe that if Betelgeuse dies, it will be our closest supernova explosion in more than 400 years. Also, it must have such a shine that it can be seen even in daylight. Before 2019, its shine had faded. After this the brightness started increasing. Then it was known that this huge star is going to end. Morgan McLeod, postdoctoral fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics at Harvard University, and Betelgeuse Great Dimming scientist Morgan McLeod are studying this celestial phenomenon.
Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer at Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute, ARIES, says that even though a giant star is coming to an end, it is going to be an interesting and historic event in space. Perhaps we will witness this event. When this star will explode, the exact date cannot be predicted, but scientists believe that after seeing this event, it will be easier to predict supernova events.

Source and photo: Earth Sky

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