Moon is surrounded by many questions

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Moon is surrounded by many questions

The Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan 3, which is going to create history by landing on the south pole of the Moon, will travel further into space. But the moon still holds many secrets in itself. Without understanding whom the journey beyond the moon cannot be completed. At present all the space agencies are preparing to reach Mars from the Moon. The American space agency NASA is preparing to reach Mars through the Moon Mission Artemis. Because of which everyone’s eyes are on Chandrayaan 3 and Chandrayaan 3 is a few hours away from the Moon’s land to discover the secrets of Moon’s water, land and sky.

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute ARIES, says that the presence of water on the moon is a big mystery. Life on the Moon cannot be imagined without liquid water. Along with this, the dream of making the moon’s land a space station also cannot come true. In fact, the world’s space agencies believe that the journey of man to Mars is not possible without the use of the moon’s earth. It is necessary to have accurate knowledge of the power of attraction i.e. gravity. Although it is true that the gravity of the Moon is much less than that of the Earth. The detailed information about the earthquake arising on the Moon’s land is still incomplete. It is said that the geological position of the Moon is much more sensitive than that of the Earth. Earthquakes continue to occur on the lunar surface, which are probably of greater intensity than on Earth. Apart from the above three big questions, accurate information about the atmosphere of the moon has to be collected, which is very important for human life. In which there are other gases along with oxygen. Human life needs can be fulfilled only after getting the right information about them. Apart from these, collecting many other information has increased challenges in front of astronomers. In which the detection of mineral substances on the moon’s earth and the secret of the origin of the moon will have to be revealed. Along with this, we have to know about the construction of the moon’s earth. Information about the celestial bodies falling on the Moon’s earth and ways to protect them will have to be found. Actually, there are countless pits on the surface of the moon, which are made of comets and asteroids. The big question in all this would be to develop an earth-like environment on the moon. Without solving all these questions, the journey beyond the Moon will not be easy. Four decades ago, many campaigns were launched regarding the Moon. In


which the role of Russia’s Luna and NASA’s Apollo Moon mission was important. But the Moon mission has gained momentum again, so it is possible that soon the layers of the Moon’s secrets will be revealed.
Source and photo: ISRO

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