Moon golden handle will be seen tonight

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Moon golden handle will be seen tonight*
– The mountain of the beautiful Jura range of the moon looks like a human ear *
– * there is an empire of unbroken peace on the moon, two men cannot hear each other *
– The golden handle is recognized by binoculars without sharp eyes, while those who see it for the first time have to take the help of binoculars.

The moon, which we can see from the earth without any equipment even with the naked eye and have been admiring the new color form, many stories of it are also heard and told. But few people know about its beautiful golden handle. We are still ignorant of the interesting aspects that are rarely found and ignore them, this episode is special *Moon golden handle seen today*
Which can be seen from the earth even with the naked eye, if you have seen it before, then you can recognize it completely, for the first time those who see it will be seen even with a small telescope. On an average, three lakh eighty-six thousand km (3,86000) away from the earth, the moon sometimes comes nearer to the earth and sometimes it goes away, we are well aware of its ever-increasing phases. Many names have been given to the moon due to this color and form.
In the midst of these decreasing and increasing sizes, there comes a day in a month when a high shaped mountain is seen in its north-west part, exactly the size of an ear or a handle of embroidery. These are the mountains of the Jura range of the moon, which is visible on the tenth day from the new moon, this mountain range extends for 422 km and is 2700 meters high. On the tenth day of Shukla Paksha of every month, when the rays of the sun fall on these peaks, then they bloom with light and when the sun light is less, they are seen in golden golden color. Just like reading the first rays of the sun in the Himalayan peaks, it is seen in golden colorDue to which it has been named ‘Moon Golden Handle’. Apart from this, it is also called Moon Maiden.Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astrophysicist at Aris Nainital, says that the golden handle has its own importance in the beauty of the moon, whose beauty is really amazing, which also gets a chance to see only two days in a month. You can capture this beautiful golden handle as well as capture it in your camera by going to the dark places away from the gleaming lights of the city.
The moon is the kingdom of unbroken peace, but no two human beings can hear each other.
There is no atmosphere on the Moon, it may have been years ago. Our earth has an atmosphere because the force of attraction of the earth has held it in place. The moon is very small compared to the earth, the diameter of the moon is about 3476 km, a quarter of the diameter of the earth, the mass is also 81 times less. The moon has dry patches, flat plains as well as large craters, as well as high mountains. The hemisphere of the moon that is visible from Earth, the temperature during the day goes down to 100 ° C, then down to minus 170 ° C at night.
Due to the decrease in the attraction of the moon, its atmosphere has blown away. And today there is a kingdom of infinite peace. It is through air that the sound reaches from one place to another. That’s why two people on the surface of the moon cannot directly listen to each other. They have to take the help of special instruments to listen to each other. Due to the lesser force of attraction, the weight of the earth objects there also decreases. Therefore, to land on the surface of the moon, man has to wear a heavy suit.
bablu chandra
*Senior Astronomer SB Pandey
Photo – Moon Golden Handle’s picture taken from Nainital – Bablu

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