Man will take first step on Mars in 2040

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Man will take first step on Mars in 2040

NASA has announced to take humans to the land of Mars. In 2040, human feet will touch the land of Mars. With this announcement by NASA, it will not take long for the dream of establishing a settlement on another planet to come true. To meet the set target, NASA has started making preparations.

The first space crew will spend 30 days on the land of Mars

NASA has 17 years to achieve this goal. The first manned crew will spend 30 days on Mars. Astronauts will have to travel six months to reach Mars.
The land of Biyaban Mars is even more desolate than the deserts of the Earth. But this is the only earth, which can establish human settlement on any other planet beyond the earth. With this hope, the eyes of all the space agencies of the world are fixed on Mars.

NASA accepted the audacious challenge

To move in the direction of Mars, the American space agency NASA is seen more than other agencies and has announced to take the first step on Mars in 2040. Sending astronauts to Mars is certainly an audacious goal, but NASA is ready to rise to the challenge.

Astronauts will orbit Mars in 2033

According to NASA officials, under the first phase of this mission, astronauts will orbit Mars in 2033. Seeing the Earth of Mars from the side of Mars will give a new experience. Due to which many new information will be gained. After this, after seven years the astronauts will leave for Mars. The journey of Mars to Earth will be completed in six months. That is, the travelers will have to leave the earth 6 months in advance.

Jim Reuter made the announcement in Washington, DC

“It’s a bold goal for us,” Jim Reuter, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, said at the Human to Mars Summit in Washington, DC. Next 16 years is not much time. In such a short time, we must develop the necessary technologies.

Mars Mission’s office will be on the Moon

NASA will have an office called ‘Moon to Mars’ to take astronauts to the red planet Mars. This office will act as a bridge between Mars and Earth. Apart from NASA scientists, many employees will be stationed in this office.
Source and photo: NASA

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