Life will now be discovered in stars close to Earth

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Life will now be discovered in stars close to Earth

There is no life on any other planet in such a universe, how can it be possible. Life may not be like ours, but it will definitely be in some other form. This is what astronomers believe. But centuries passed, astronomers searched the ashes of Brahmin, but no trace could be found anywhere. This mystery remains till date. Due to which the attitude of scientists has started changing and now they are looking for the solar system of stars near the Earth.

Scientists keep an eye on Alpha Centauri

In search of habitable planets, such stars are now being selected, which are close to our Sun. Alpha Centauri has been selected in this direction. This constellation is closest to our Sun. It is possible that a planet similar to the Earth may be found in the stars of this constellation.

third brightest star visible from earth

Alpha Centauri is the third brightest star in our sky as seen from Earth. The possibility of separate worlds of planets in the stars of this constellation cannot be ruled out. In this constellation, the single star that we see as Alpha Centauri merges into a double star.

This pair of stars is 4.37 light years away

This pair of stars is only 4.37 light years away from us. Also in orbit around them is the Proxima Centauri star system, but it looks a bit hazy. Yet we can see it with the naked eye. Actually this star system is 4.25 light years away from us. Due to which this is our closest star system, but due to Alpha Centauri being brighter, the eyes of scientists are more on it. Talking about the form, color and size of this constellation, the name of one of the two stars that make up Alpha Centauri is Rigil Cantorus and the other is Toliman. Rigil Kentaurus is also known as Alpha Centauri A. This star is yellow in color, slightly larger than the Sun and about 1.5 times brighter. Alpha Centauri B is orange in colour. It is only slightly larger than the Sun and is only half as bright as the Sun. Both these stars are about 5 billion years old, that is, only a few years older than our Sun. The European Space Agency including NASA is going to investigate this constellation.

What do the scientists of ARIES say?

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astrophysicist of the Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute ARIES, says that it can be said naturally that the direction of the search for planets should be the nearest stars. With this the search for a life-giving planet can be completed. So that future studies can be done easily. However, at present more than five thousand planets have been discovered. But most of these are located far away. Also, there is a possibility of life in many planets.

Source: Earth Sky.

Photo: NASA

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