Juno crossed another ladder of success

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 Juno crossed another ladder of success

The spacecraft Juno, which is in search of a human foot on the earth of Jupiter’s moon Europa, has crossed another ladder of success. Juno captured many pictures of Europa’s Earth in the camera. In which very close pictures (closeups) were landed in the camera and sent them to the US space agency NASA on Earth. Many mysteries of Europa will be revealed from the photographs. But it is certain that due to the success of human beings in search of another earth, it is certain that that day is not far away, when there will be another man’s home in distant space. Even though we will not be able to reach the new land, but the coming generations will definitely see the earth from space. However, Juno has raised the spirits of scientists for NASA’s next mission on Jupiter’s moon Europa, Clipper. Now the Clipper mission will fly to Europa in 2024, which will discover Europa’s atmosphere, surface and the secrets hidden within it. This will tell whether there is or is not a possibility of life on the surface of the icy moon.

Juno travels at 23.6 km per second

Juno had two hours to explore the Earth of Europa and in the meantime Juno completed its mission very well. Took many pictures near Europa. As soon as the picture reached, NASA sent it to the people. Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno’s South West Research Institute in San Antonio, said it was a successful flight. Juno was equipped with many necessary equipment. It was planned to know the icy layer of Europa. This is an unprecedented glimpse of science.

Juno has collected valuable photos

During the flyby, the mission collected the highest-resolution (0.6 miles, or 1 kilometer, per pixel) image of the Moon. In which important data of Europa’s ice-covered upper structure, interior, surface composition and ionosphere have been obtained. These are such pictures, which will be able to give detailed information about Europa. However, a closer study will reveal important facts.


Scientists will compare first and now pictures


According to Juno co-investigator Candy Hansen, our team will now compare the images taken by Juno with the images from previous missions. Scientists have data for the last two decades of Europa. During this long interval, how much difference has come in Europa, it will be known. Scientists will now have more and more information about Jupiter. Close-up views and data from Juno’s Microwave Radiometer (MWR) instrument will shed new light on this moon. What would be the inner layer of the earth covered with ice Europa? This is an important question. It is extremely important to know whether the water is in the liquid state within the ice crust. Which will probably be known now. This mission will give a new direction to the scientists associated with the Juno mission for further exploration of Juno.


Next mission Clipper will reveal the secret of Europa’s ice layers

The first missions to reach Europa before Juno have been Voyager 2 and Galileo, and NASA’s next Clipper mission will be launched in the next two years, reaching Europa in 2030. The Clipper mission will understand the atmosphere of Europa. Also will be able to study the interior along with its surface. Its goal will be to detect ocean presence in Europa. Apart from this, the thickness of the ice layer has to be known.




Photo Credit…NASA/JPL-Caltech/SWRI/MSSS

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