July is going to be special

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July is going to be special

The month of July is going to be special this time. A comet leaving a unique impression of its brightness in the sky is going to reach close to us. It will be closest to us in July. The name of this comet is C/2021 T4 Lemon. These days he is traveling in the southern sky. Visible bright comets with long tails are an integral part of our solar system. They are also called tail stars because of the shiny long tail. This comet has become a topic of discussion among scientists these days regarding coming closer to us. Famous British astronomer Guy Otwell has also written a special article about this comet, which has been published in the latest issue of Vij Science magazine. Comet C/2021 T4 Lemmon was discovered on October 7, 2021 from the Mount Lemmon Observatory northeast of Tucson, Arizona. Since then it has remained the center of attraction for scientists. Now everyone’s eyes are fixed on this comet when it comes closer to the Earth. At present this comet can be seen with the help of binoculars. It is estimated that on reaching close to the Earth, its brightness will increase immensely and it can be seen with the naked eye. According to scientists it is a long period comet. Which reads the journey of thousands of years to complete the orbit of the Sun. However, as it gets closer to the Earth, more information will be available about it. The eyes of many telescopes of the world are fixed on it. The comet is currently 60 degrees south in the morning sky.
It is at a distance of 1.75 AU from the Sun and 2 AU (astronomical units) from the Earth. On June 27, 2023, its distance from us will be 1 AU. It will be closest to us on July 18. Then its distance will be 0.54 AU and then it will appear most brilliant. Then it will probably reach a brightness of magnitude 8 or 7. That is, then we will be able to see it with naked eyes. After this, on November 9, it will go behind the Sun.
According to Dr. Virendra Yadav, out reach in-charge of Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute ARIES, comets are the most attractive object in the sky. It is also possible that due to these, water came on the earth. They are covered with snow. On reaching near the Sun, the ice evaporates and takes the form of a long tail, which can be millions of kilometers long.
There is no such year when some comet does not come close to us. Even though they are not considered auspicious from the religious point of view, they are considered interesting in terms of astronomical events.
Halley’s Comet is better known as a short-period comet. It is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Halley is the only comet that can be clearly seen from Earth with the naked eye, and it is the only comet visible to the naked eye at most twice in a human’s lifetime. Other comets may be brighter and more visible to the naked eye, but they appear only once in thousands of years.
Source: Space. com

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