James Webb Space Telescope clears picture of gravitational lensing effect

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James Webb Space Telescope clears picture of gravitational lensing effect

The darkness of the mystery of the gravitational lensing effect of the universe has not yet been completely removed. Which astronomers are trying to understand. But the pictures revealed by JWST will explain this mystery to a great extent. PERLS scientists have tried to understand this mystery by deeply studying the photographs of the web.

The James Webb Space Telescope has now captured such a picture in the camera, which gives a detailed look at the theory of light. It is the effect of gravitational lensing that causes this difference. This has been revealed by the scientists of Prime Extra-Galactic Areas for Reionization and Lensing Science (PERLS). This discovery, despite being intriguing, provides a new direction to physics.

To understand this knot, scientists took the help of the James Webb Space Telescope and the El Gordo galaxy cluster formed about 6.8 billion years ago was targeted. What was found in this study was a shocking result. which magnified objects seen directly behind them by affecting the light around the Milky Way’s mass. This galaxy cluster is believed to be the largest known to have existed at that time in the life of the universe. Although in the past Hubble also took some pictures of El Gordo, but they were not very clear. Scientists on the PERLS team, led by Brenda Fayer of the University of Arizona, have shed light on the overall impact of the gravitational lensing effect. This discovery attracts the interest of scientists. Scientists believe that it is most important to understand gravitational lensing. There have been general discussions on this topic many times among scientists. Objects known as Einstein rings have also been considered during the discussionsBut the important thing in the new pictures is that the El Gordo galaxy cluster, which formed 6.8 billion years ago, magnifies the light around its mass to the objects seen directly behind them.

It has been almost a year since the James Webb Space Telescope came into existence and it has started showing the face of the universe, which has been amazingly successful in giving a new direction to astronomy. James’ photographs are unforgettable, uncovering a discovery with a mystery. The latest example is the gravitational lensing effect. However, the specifics of the gravitational lensing effect are yet to be understood.
Source: PERLS.
Photo: JWST.

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