James web space telescope new discovery of water

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James web space telescope new discovery of water

Astronomers struggle to find water on other planets seems to be paying off. The James web space telescope has caught a faint glimpse of liquid in a star in the forming solar system called PDS 70.
Scientists have spotted PDS 70, a young star about 370 light years away from Earth. This star is about three-fourths of the masses of the sun.
PDS 70 is only about 5.4 million years old, while our sun is about 4.6 billion years old. The discovery was made by Giulia Perotti, an astronomer at the max plank institute for astronomy in Heidelberg , Germany. According to Giulia Perotti, PDS 70 is a star similar to our sun, which is smaller and cooler. Seeing which we can find out how the planets were formed in our solar system and what their chemical composition was before they were fully formed.
The Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) on NASA James Web Space Telescope observed droplets of hot vapour at temperatures of about 330°C at the centre of the planet- forming a disk of gas and dust surrounding PDS 70. Which suggests that water exists in liquid form in the inner disk of the under-forming solar system, which may be similar to our Earth. Comparing this with our solar system the central region of our solar system is Earth, which is a rocky planet. Which shows that PDS 70, a rocky planet that originated in the central region may have had a substantial reserve of water. Scientists claim that water can be available at the time of birth of any planet. Now it remains to be seen how the future develops in the under-construction planets PDS 70B and C, which raises hope of water.

The discovery will give a new direction in the search for exoplanets

The James Web Space Telescope groundbreaking study of a planet- forming disk is expected to pave the way for future watery exoplanet searches. This discovery has been published in the science Journal Nature. It was believed that the water on the earth must have come from the collision of comets. But this discovery provides a sense that water must have been there while during the formation of earth. Well, however it will take time for this secret to be revealed.


Source: Arth sky

Photo: JWST

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