Iron melts on the earth of this planet and it rains iron

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Iron melts on the earth of this planet and it rains iron

You must have seen many different colors of the weather and probably also heard about the rain of acid rain, which occurs on the earth of Venus, but it also rains iron in the form of steam, it must have never been heard. Yes, it is true that there is a planet outside our solar system where iron evaporates and rains. The temperature on this planet is such that melting iron is common. Scientists have recently discovered this planet and have revealed an unbelievable truth.

According to the discovering scientists, the name of this planet is WSP-76B. When this planet outside our solar system was investigated in several stages, the results were shocking. Its temperature climbs up to 2,400 °C, which vaporizes iron, ie has the ability to melt iron. No other planet in our solar system is so hot. Venus is the hottest planet, whose temperature reaches beyond four hundred degrees Celsius. Regarding this very hot planet, the researchers say that there are 11 chemical elements present in its atmosphere, which make it excessively hot. Due to which it can be called a planet of ultra-hot vaporized rock. This planet was discovered under the leadership of Stéphane Pelletier of the Université de Montréal Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets. He says that this is a really rare planet, which is beyond our imagination. This discovery teaches us a lot. The planet is located at a distance of about 634 light-years in the Pisces constellation. The planet takes 1.8 Earth days to orbit its star. It is indeed an extraordinary outer planet. Its planetary mass is about 85 percent that of Jupiter. This discovery has been published in the journal Nature Science on 14 June.

For the first time, a team of exploratory scientists has found vanadium oxide on a planet outside our solar system. Due to which the discovery of this planet becomes important. The presence of a chemical compound called vanadium oxide makes this discovery rare. This chemistry could have a big effect on hot giant planets. However, research will continue on this planet. Astronomers believe that many more new information can come out from this planet.

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