India will become the world’s most populous country

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India will become the world’s most populous country

At some point in April 2023, India will become the most populous country in the world. So far the most populous country will replace China. The Associated Press reported this morning, April 11, 2023. In which it has been told that India will overtake China in population sometime this month, making India the most populous country in the world. Even if there is some delay, after a few months it will certainly take the place of most of the population. The numbers are based on UN estimates. The United Nations has been tracking world population numbers since the mid-20th century.

Pew Research Center report

The two most populous regions in 2022 were both in Asia. The 2.3 billion population accounts for 29 percent of the global population. It has East and South-East Asia and 2.1 billion is Central and Southern Asia with 26 percent. China and India account for the majority of the population in these two regions, with more than 1.4 billion each. The Pew Research Center also published an article in February 2023, suggesting mid-April as a possible date.

India’s population doubled after 1950

According to the United Nations, China has been the world’s most populous country since at least the 1950s. The total population of the earth has recently crossed 8 billion. India’s population graph has more than doubled since 1950. When the United Nations began keeping its population figures in 1950, India had a billion fewer people than it does now.

the youngest country in the world

Demographic estimates put the population of both India and China at around 1.4 billion. And the population of India is increasing faster than that of China. The good news for India is that the Indian population has the largest number of young people. According to Pew Research, more than 40% of India’s population is below 25 years of age. This is a very young country.

Infant mortality decreased by 70 percent

According to Pew Research, the infant mortality rate in India has come down by 70% in the last 3 decades. Nevertheless, it remains high by regional and international standards.

Source: Pew Research Center.

Photo: Space 23LEARN.

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