Everyone is surprised to find ghostly particles in the galaxy

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Everyone is surprised to find ghostly particles in the galaxy

The thing itself is surprising. Can there be any particle like ghost? Of course it can happen. Which scientists have discovered. Its behavior is something like this. Because of which it was given the name of Bhootiya. Something similar happened a few years ago too, when the divine particle was discovered. The discovery of the divine particle was also a historical discovery. But the first name of the divine particle was Higgs boson. This particle was confirmed in CERN’s super machine, while this atom was discovered in the 70s. However, the ghostly particle is so named because of its ghost-like elusive behavior. So there is no need to be surprised. If there is heaven, there can also be hell. But it has to be proved and this is the work of scientists. Which they are doing very well by working tirelessly.

In fact, every new discovery of the universe gives a new direction and brings a new dimension to the fore. Now the new discovery has been made, it is a wonderful particle, which scientists have named ghost atom. This particle has been seen for the first time in our Milky Way. Scientists say that this discovery can give a new direction to physics.

This discovery is amazing and historical. Naming the detected particle a ghost highlights its ghostly nature. Astronomers have detected high-energy neutrinos coming from within our galaxy, potentially providing an exciting direction of research. Neutrinos are exceptionally difficult to detect, because they rarely collide with atoms. A light-year’s worth of lead can only stop about half of the neutrinos that fly through it. Called ghost particles, scientists say neutrinos are created by radioactive decay, such as in nuclear reactors or when exceptionally high-energy particles collide with atoms. The scariest types contain millions to billions of times more energy than the energy produced by the fusion reactions that power stars. High-energy neutrinos are known to originate from galaxies beyond the Milky Way. But researchers have long suspected that our own Milky Way could be its source, and it has been elusive since intense study.

The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the Amundsenscott South Pole Station played an important role in this discovery. The discovery was made by his scientific team, including astroparticle physicist Mirko Huenefeld from TU Dortmund University Germany.

Scientist Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey says that the universe is an infinitely deep, dark ocean of mysteries and is beyond imagination. Whose reality everyone wants to know and the scientific world is trying to know it by mole. The truth is that we have no status in front of the cosmic power. There is only one mind, on the basis of which efforts are being made to understand the universe. In which man is also getting success and the discovery of ghost particle is the latest example of this.
Source and photo: Earth Sky.


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