European Space Agency ushers in a new era in space with the Euclid Space Telescope

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  • First imageEuropean Space Agency ushers in a new era in space with the Euclid Space Telescope

The history of modern astronomy is only four hundred years old. Astronomy has been successful to some extent in understanding the universe in four hundred years. But dark matter and dark energy remain the biggest invisible mystery of the present. To know the truth, the European Space Agency has started a new era in space by setting up the Euclid Dark Universe Telescope. The Euclid Telescope is the world’s most ambitious mission. Its successful launch is a great success for the human world. Astronomers have high expectations from this telescope. This telescope is capable of analyzing billions of galaxies about 10 billion light-years away and may shed light on the dark part of the universe, of which we are still ignorant. This telescope has given the first evidence of its success on Monday 31 July. Euclid has given this proof by sending pictures of many galaxies in the faraway region of the universe. The European Space Agency (ESA) has released the first pictures saying that it has succeeded in the initial phase of the mission and will soon achieve the goal for which the Euclid telescope has been established. Astronomer Yannick Mellier of the Institut d’Astrophysic de Paris and the Euclid Consortium says the excellent first images obtained herald a new era for cosmology and statistical astronomy. They have begun the search for the nature of dark energy. The special thing is that on July 28, 1.6 million km i.e. 1.5 million km away, it has joined the James Webb Space Telescope. James Webb Space Telescope is a joint mission of NASA and ESA. Euclid’s association with JWST is expected to help immensely in understanding the mysteries of astronomy.

Dark energy is continuously spreading in the universe

Astronomers say that there is an invisible balloon in space expanding in all directions. The strange thing is that it is moving so fast that because of this change, scientists are having trouble estimating the visible objects of the universe. This is accelerating the cosmic expansion at a very rapid rate. Due to which it has become very important to detect dark energy soon and in this direction Euclid will lead to some result.
Photo: ESA.

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