Earth-like planet hidden at the far end of the solar system

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Earth-like planet hidden at the far end of the solar system

An Earth-like planet is hidden in the outer part of our solar system. This is a dwarf planet. Its name is 90377 Sedna. Its orbit is elliptical, but strange in terms of distance. The scientist is surprised to see this. Its reality came to light a few days ago.

It takes 11400 years to revolve around the sun

This dwarf planet is the last one in our solar system. It takes 11400 years to revolve around the Sun. Its orbit takes it outside the solar system with a rotation of 11.3 billion km and it reaches even beyond the Kuiper Belt. Although this was known in 2003. Since then astronomers started studying its orbit. Now that its reality has come to light, scientists are surprised. He says how such a world could form in an empty region of space, where it is too far away to be influenced by the solar system’s giant planets and even the Milky Way galaxy.

scientists say

The study reveals that there is a hitherto unknown Earth-like planet hovering in the outer region. This planet may disturb the orbits of similar trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). There are countless icy bodies in this region, orbiting the Sun at vast distances. Japanese scientists analyzed the effects of such an undiscovered planet through computer simulations. However, further study is ongoing. Scientists hope that in the future the reality of the outer bodies of the solar system will be known.

Comparison of this dwarf planet continues with Planet 9

This dwarf planet is being compared to Planet Nine. Planet 9 is a hidden planet of the solar system, which influences the orbit of our planets. This planet has been discovered for a long time. But this has not been known yet. Planet 9 was discovered on mathematical grounds.

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