Don’t know how many more enemies are hovering in the sky, Got relief, dangerous asteroid passed safely

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Don’t know how many more enemies are hovering in the sky,
Got relief, dangerous asteroid passed safely

A dangerous asteroid passed close to the Earth on Sunday afternoon. This celestial enemy was detected coming close to the earth on 14th April. Since then this asteroid was being monitored. Its name is 2023 G F 2 L. This celestial body completes one round of the Sun in 566 days.

This enemy came in the radar of scientists for the first time

Don’t know how many times this asteroid of asteroid 87 feet would have gone around the sun. This time it would have reached near the earth for the first time. Due to which it came under the radar of scientists. But it is worth mentioning that there will be so many such celestial enemies, who are hovering in the infinite sky. Due to these, there is an increased danger to the earth. Because of which many telescopes of the world keep an eye on them.

NASA was keeping an eye on this body

Due to its large size, NASA was keeping an eye on it. There was no possibility of it hitting the earth. Nevertheless, NASA had issued a warning about its passing close to the Earth. While passing close to the earth, its speed was 17235 km per hour. While passing near the Earth, the distance between the Earth and this asteroid was reduced to 2.74 million miles. Dr. Pandey said that the objects coming within 4.6 million miles of the Earth are kept in the dangerous category and they are always monitored.

Passed close to the earth at 1.53 pm

Asteroid 2023 GF2 flew past Earth at 1.53 pm on Sunday. It was discovered on April 14, 2023. Senior retired scientist Prof. RC Kapoor of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore told that NASA was calculating its approach. After coming close to the Earth, this body went ahead safely on its path.
Source: NASA.
Photo: NASA.

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