Do aliens live in the center of the Milky Way?

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Do aliens live in the center of the Milky Way?

If we are, then there must be existence of aliens somewhere in the other world. But his whereabouts are still unknown. Now a possibility is being expressed about their whereabouts in the center of our galaxy and the help of radio telescope is being taken.
Ages are being spent in search of aliens, but their search is still incomplete. But now a new method is being invented to find them. It is possible that their search is over. For this, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) mission is going to start the Breakthrough Listen Investigation for Periodic Spectral Signal (BLIPSS).
The center of our galaxy has been chosen as a new place to search for aliens, and radio telescopes have been relied upon. The special thing about this discovery is that astronomers have done research, which is going to be published in The Astronomical Journal. The reason for choosing the center of the Milky Way for the search for aliens is that this part is filled with most of the stars, in which most of the stars have their own planets and living in those planets i.e. habitable planets are also present in large numbers. Also, this region of the galaxy is extremely dense. Due to which contact can be made through other means including radio communication. SETI scientists believe that if there is an intelligent life like us and a human-like civilization, then surely they will respond to the signal sent by us. Akshay Suresh, a graduate student at Cornell University, is leading the new project. He says that our goal is to look for periodic signals coming from the dense core region of the Milky Way, filled with millions of stars. This mission has been announced last week. The US-based SETI organization has been engaged in the search for aliens for the past several decades. Has sent many signals in many directions of the sky. In which the signal of the Indian word Om has also been sent, but somehow success has not been achieved so far. It is also not that aliens have never been seen before. The mention of seeing whom has been happening. But due to lack of scientific evidence, a question mark remains on their existence. Regarding the presence of aliens, scientists have also been saying in a tight voice that in reality creatures from other planets also exist, but without proving their existence, they have to remain silent.

Photo and source: Earth Sky

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