Did life on earth come from asteroid

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Did life on earth come from asteroid

Where would life have come from on Earth? This is a question that has so far been limited in scope and still unanswered. No one knows when the correct answer will be found, but the good thing is that astronomers are constantly trying to find the answer to this question. There is a possibility that life may or may not have come to Earth through asteroids and the United Arab Emirates is going to conduct an increased campaign in space to investigate this.

7 planets will be investigated simultaneously

The United Arab Emirates also does not want to be left behind among the big countries of the world to understand the jaggery secrets of space. Seven asteroids are going to climb the planet together between Mars and Jupiter. It will take at least ten years to reach this mission, which will be completed in 2034.

Mission name is mbr explorer

The United Arab Emirates has announced this ambitious asteroid-belt mission. Scientists believe that asteroids are an important part of our solar system, which were born during the origin of our solar system. Due to which scientists believe that those secrets can be exposed by examining them, which have remained a puzzle till date. The name of this project of UAE is MBR Explorer.

Work on the mission started from 2021

Scientists associated with the mission believe that the asteroid could host the building blocks of life. The spacecraft will launch about a decade from now to unravel this intricate mystery. Working on this mission since 2021. The mission will visit seven different space rocks. Eventually 269 will land on an asteroid named Justitia. Regarding this mission, the UAE has issued a statement that we will never stop looking forward into space. This is very important for the bright future and development of our young generation.

Asteroid Justitia likely to have organic molecules on its surface

Scientists believe that there may be organic molecules on the surface of Justitia. In fact, organics are the building blocks of complex molecules that, under the right conditions, can form life. Scientists typically search for water and life throughout the Solar System to understand how life originated on Earth. That finding may be especially meaningful on Justicia, the scientists say. After being close to our planet Earth, it moved to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter and is present in its current position.

This spacecraft will be developed with state-of-the-art high technology

With this mission, the geology, structure of asteroids can be investigated. For which four science instruments will be installed. in whichA high-resolution camera, a thermal infrared camera, a mid-wavelength spectrometer and an infrared spectrometer will be installed.

Source and photo: Space. com

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