Now the mystery of dark matter can be solved

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Now the mystery of dark matter can be solved

Dark matter is the superpower of the universe. It is invisible and is continuously operating the universe or the development of the universe is happening through it. Despite being spread over a vast area of ​​the universe, the puzzle remains. But now scientists are claiming to understand this puzzle a little. Come, let’s know what the scientists say.

new research

Researcher scientists say that in the new research, an attempt has been made to understand it through the gravitational inclination of light. To understand this, rings based on the theory of the great scientist Albert Einstein have been used. Understand that dark matter is known only from indirect effects on stars and galaxies. The nature of dark matter is a long and strange puzzle. This research has been published in Nature Astronomy by Alfred Amruth of the University of Hong Kong and colleagues. The evidence for the existence of dark matter is its gravitational effects on the behavior of galaxies.

This dark mystery is spread in 85 percent of the universe

Dark matter accounts for 85 percent of the universe. Distant galaxies appear to be surrounded by a halo of mysterious matter. Dark matter is the dark part, which does not emit light, nor can it absorb or reflect light. Which makes it incredibly difficult to detect. Scientists believe that it must be some kind of unknown fundamental particle. But the surprising thing is that despite many experiments in the laboratory, all attempts to detect dark matter particles have failed. Physicists have been debating the nature of this invisible substance for decades.

Bending light around galaxies is new clue to dark matter’s existence

New research finds that the bent light around distant galaxies provides a new clue to the existence of dark matter. In new research, scientists argue that when light traveling through the universe passes a massive object like a galaxy, its path is bent. It bends. In Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the gravity of a massive object distorts space and time around it. Sometimes when we look at a distant galaxy, we can see distorted images of other galaxies behind it.

This secret will not remain a secret

Dr. Shashibhushan Pandey, senior astronomer at Aryabhatta Observational Science Research Institute ARIES, says that the new research is a step forward in understanding dark matter. But this secret will not remain a secret for long. New technology is developing day by day. There is a continuous development in the ability to see far into the universe. Due to which it is expected that we will be able to understand it soon.

Source: Earth Sky.

Photo: NASA

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