Could aliens be hiding on this moon of Saturn?

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Could aliens be hiding on this moon of Saturn?

Astronomers have searched every corner of the universe in search of aliens. But the search could not be completed yet. But now the planet on which signs of life have been found point towards the presence of aliens. This is Enceladus, a moon of Saturn. In which chemical elements have been found, which are considered important compounds for life. It has been detected by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. This discovery has been made by an international team of scientists including NASA. Phosphorus found on this moon is an essential chemical element for life and the special thing is that this element is contained within the ice present in Enceladus. Actually this moon of Saturn is known as the vast ocean. Water from this ocean erupts through cracks in the icy crust of Enceladus as geysers at the south pole, forming a plume shape. The Cassini spacecraft flew by this moon and the rings of Saturn several times during its mission between 2004 and 2017 and collected data. Scientists have found that the ice particles on Enceladus contain a rich array of mineral and organic compounds. Which also includes elements of amino acids. Phosphorus is one of the essential elements for biological processes, which serves as a building block for DNA. This element makes up chromosomes and carries genetic information. This element is present in the bones of mammals, cell membranes, and plankton living in the sea. Phosphorus is a fundamental part of the energy-carrying molecules present in all life on Earth. Life cannot be possible without it.
Discoverer Scientist A planetary scientist from the Freie University’s Berlin Germany Frank Postberg says he knew that Enceladus’ ocean is rich in a variety of organic compounds. This discovery has been published in the journal Nature. The new results show that there are clear chemical signals of phosphorus salts in substantial quantities inside the icy particles. For the first time its presence has been discovered in an ocean other than Earth. However, the presence of aliens on this moon cannot be ruled out at all. About which scientists looking for aliens are excited.
Source and photo: Earth Sky

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