Chandrayaan-3 The temperature of the southern surface of the Moon is 70 °C. The temperature was many times higher than expected, scientists were surprised.

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The temperature of the southern surface of the Moon is 70 °C. The temperature was many times higher than expected, scientists were surprised.

Chandrayaan-3 is revealing amazing details of the Moon. According to the new information, the maximum temperature of the lunar surface is 70 degrees Celsius, which is about two and a half times higher than expected. Scientists expected the surface temperature to be 20 to 30 Celsius. But on the contrary got 60 to 70 degree Celsius. This cannot be expected at the South Pole. Apart from this, the temperature below the surface has been found to be 50 degree Celsius, while the difference in this temperature on the earth is 2 to 3 degree Celsius. ISRO has released this report in the information received from Chandrayaan-3. The Lunar Surface Thermophysical (Chest) payload has brought out this new information about the surface temperature of the Moon, which is surprising. ISRO has released a graph of the temperature on the south pole of the Moon’s Earth. In which temperature is shown at different levels. The payload of Chandrayaan-3’s Vikram Lander is capable of digging 10 cm deep below the Moon’s surface. Also, it has ten types of different sensors, which can check the temperature at different levels. The new discovery of the moon’s temperature has surprised. Along with this, the possibility of getting South Pole ice has also been tarnished.

Water has been discovered on the Moon in 2009. This discovery was made by Chandrayaan 1 and it was confirmed by NASA. But that water is not in liquid form. Due to which the search for liquid water has intensified. It is believed that there may be liquid water in the Moon’s South Pole. Maybe it is available in the form of ice.

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is giving the latest information about the mission.
All eyes are fixed on Chandrayaan 3. ISRO’s spirits are high because of the success of this mission so far.

Source and photo: ISRO

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