Chandrayaan 3 gets another success, contact with Chandrayaan-2 orbiter established

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Chandrayaan 3 gets another success, contact with Chandrayaan-2 orbiter established

Chandrayaan 3 Vikram Lander has established communication with Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter. Chandrayaan 2’s orbiter was placed in the Moon’s orbit in 2019. The orbiter has been performing its task efficiently since then. ISRO has released information about Chandrayaan 3 Vikram Lander establishing communication with Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter. On the other hand, the crash of Luna 25 of Russia has shocked not only Russia, but the science world of the whole world. Which can be compensated by the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3. Because of which the eyes of the world are on Chandrayaan 3.

ISRO’s Chandrayaan-3 was launched on 14 July. After a long journey of millions of km, it will land on the south pole of the Moon on 23 August. As the world eagerly awaits India’s historic moment, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully de-orbited the lander module of the Chandrayaan-3 mission and said preparations are now underway to land on the lunar surface. Is. The soft landing time is scheduled for 23 August at 6.04 pm. Chandrayaan-3 was launched on 14 July from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota.ISRO informed that this important development After the successful completion of the second and final deboosting of the lander on Sunday, the lander will now undergo internal checks and wait for sunrise at the landing site i.e. on the moon before attempting the final landing.

Chandrayaan-3, the third in the Moon mission series, will, if all goes according to plan, perform a soft landing on the south pole of the lunar surface, making India the first country to do so. Along with this, it will become the fourth country in the world in the Moon mission. So far the US, China and the former Soviet Union have achieved this feat.

The spacecraft comprising an indigenous propulsion module, a lander module and a rover is intended to “develop and demonstrate new technologies required for interplanetary missions”.

The lander has been named ‘Vikram’ after Vikram Sarabhai (1919–1971). Who is considered the father of the Indian space program and the founder of our country’s space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).


safe and soft landing on the lunar surface

Demonstration of rover walking on the moon

In situ performance of scientific experiments

Source and photo: ISRO

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