Chandrayaan-3, Day 5: Rover starts taking temperature

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Chandrayaan-3, Day 5: Rover starts taking temperature

Chandrayaan 3’s Rover Pragyan started taking the temperature of the Moon’s surface. The robot has so far walked more than 50 feet and is taking stock of the heat of the ground at every step. He has started sending messages to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). ISRO scientists have made this information public today. ISRO says that there is no doubt that every payload of Chandrayaan 3 is working fine. Both the payloads attached to Pragyan are doing very well. He expected the same. It is expected that soon they will get many meaningful results.

Pragyan Rover is taking the temperature of both the outer and inner parts of the Moon’s surface. The temperature can be taken up to 10 meters inside the ground. ISRO has not yet provided the temperature data. The function of temperature was extremely important. In which success has been achieved. Now the search is on for metals. The possibility of many precious metals being available inside the moon’s earth has been expressed. Pragyan’s next quest will be the search for precious metals. If any precious metal is found then it will be considered a big discovery.

Apart from metals, ice or liquid water is discovered. This is such a big search that everyone’s eyes are on it. As of now, it is not possible to say anything about when this search will be completed. But the special thing is that if liquid water is found on the moon, then it will be a great achievement for humans.

Water has been discovered on the Moon in 2009. This discovery was made by Chandrayaan 1 and it was confirmed by NASA. But that water is not in liquid form. Due to which the search for liquid water has intensified. It is believed that there may be liquid water in the Moon’s South Pole. Maybe it is available in the form of ice. Even if it is in the form of ice, it can be made liquid.

Source and photo: ISRO

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