chandrayaan-3 & Aditya L1: Update

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chandrayaan-3 & Aditya L1

Sulfur will reveal the secret of the origin of the moon?

Aditya L1 to be launched tomorrow

Chandrayaan-3 is continuously providing new information on the lunar surface. Now he has once again confirmed sulfur. The discovery of sulfur on the surface of the moon is indeed a great discovery. This discovery has been made from the Payload Alpha Particle Spectrometer. Now it is to find out where the sulfur on the surface of the moon came from. The mystery of sulfur may also reveal the mystery of the origin of the moon. Scientists are speculating that sulfur may have arrived due to comets or volcanoes. Other instruments of Chandrayaan are trying to locate it. Here the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has released a new video of Rover Pragyan on Thursday night. In this video, instead of a naughty child, Pragyan is seen having fun on the surface of the moon. In this video, Pragyan is seen dancing in circles. But he is not dancing, but is looking for a safe path for his further exploration. People are very fond of Pragyan’s fun-filled style on the moon.

India will become the third country to reach L1 point in space

After Chandrayaan, now the countdown has started for the flight of Aditya L1. It will be launched on Saturday. It will take 120 days for Aditya to reach his goal. Many missions have been launched so far to study the Sun, but only the satellites of the American Space Agency NASA and the European Space Agency have been launched at an important place like L1 in space. After these two countries, it will become the third country to study the Sun from L1 point. After the success of this mission, India will become self-reliant in collecting solar data. We are still dependent on other countries to get solar data.

Aditya will prove to be the savior of the world

Due to the explosions on the Sun, high energetic particles are scattered in large quantities, due to which the big solar storms that arise can not only cause damage to the electrical and electronic equipment of the Earth, but our satellites currently moving in space are in great danger from solar storms. Could They also disrupt the communication system of our air services. It is very important to detect geomagnetic solar storms coming towards the Earth in time and Aditya L1 will play an important role in providing this information.


Aditya L1 will carry seven state-of-the-art equipment. These include Visible Emission Line Coronagraph, Solar Paraviolet Imaging Telescope, Solar Low Energy L1 X-ray Spectrometer, High Energy L1 Orbital X-ray Spectrometer, Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment, Aditya Plasma Analysis Package and Advanced Tri-Axis High Resolution Digital Magnometer.

Source and photo: ISRO and ARIES.

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