लेखक : बबलु चंद्रा सिर्फ एक वर्ष में  वैश्विक पारा  .01 डिग्री सेल्सियस बढ़ा        इस खबर से  मौसम के जानकारों के माथे में पसीना टपकने लगा है। सिर्फ एक साल में औसत ग्लोबल वार्मिंग ने 0.01 डिग्री सेल्सियस उछाल मारा है। देखने मे यह पारा  भले ही मामूली प्रतीत हो रहा हो, लेकिन […]

How appropriate would it be to call the present human age on earth

Scientists of the international organization Anthropocene Working Group termed the present as the human era. The non-planned development being done by humans in the name of development has changed the nature of the earth. In the last 50 years, there has been a big change in the balance of the earth. Mankind has emerged as a force to be reckoned with on earth. Because of which it is being called the human age.

If you know the tragedies of the past, you would also know that power, arrogance and tragedy go hand in hand. Currently, the most damaging aspect of human activities is disruptive climate change. If you don’t pay attention to this, we are surely heading towards tragedy. These views have been expressed by Naomi Oreskes, a renowned scientist from Harvard University and a member of the Anthropocene Working Group.
A worrying new research has come to the fore. In research, this era has been named as human era. Which tells that at present man has become so strong that he has the power to change nature and is also changing rapidly. On the one hand it has made nuclear power its weapon and on the other hand it is affecting the earth’s environment by global warming by continuous emission of poisonous gases. Due to human power, the climate of the world is changing rapidly. However, it is another matter that all these changes are going to lead the earth towards destruction. This is the bitter truth, to which we all are witnesses and no one can deny this truth. In research, the beginning of the human era has been told between 1940 and 1950. Which started with nuclear weapons. After this, there was such a race for nuclear weapons that no country wanted to stay behind to make itself a Bahubali, which continues even today. Even though nuclear war has not happened in the meantime, but the traces of their tests have been discovered by the researchers. On the basis of which the researchers have given solid evidence to name the present as the human era. Along with this, there was a race for development. Which gave birth to those components, which are never suitable for the health of the earth. Overall, in the last 70 years, human activities have made a deep impact on the earth, due to which scientists have named this era as the human era. The biggest proof of which has come out in the form of climate change and this change is extremely fatal.

Research of the Anthropocene Working Group

Scientists from the Interdisciplinary Research Group of the Anthropocene Working Group have done this research and announced it on 11 July. Researchers examined sediments from Crawford Lake, Ontario, Canada. Apart from this, after the study of the present conditions, the human era was named. Now there will be a debate to name this era as the present era. In which experts from different sections of countries around the world will be included. Which will take a long time. Only then a concrete result will emerge.

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