Black hole’s radio jet plasma mechanism discovered

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Black hole’s radio jet plasma mechanism discovered

The mysteries of the universe spread in the infinite are also infinite. One of which is the mystery of a black hole. Which astronomers are constantly trying to understand. Now a new information has come out about the jet emanating from the black hole. This is a new discovery. In which scientists have claimed that future X-ray astronomy will be able to uncover the plasma loading mechanism from black holes into radio jets. This mystery of black holes has remained for a long time. The radio jet emanating from a black hole is a superpower. It was known that there are radio jets, but the reason for their formation was not known. Astrophysicists from Tohoku University have got this breakthrough.


It’s been nearly 52 years since the discovery of radio jets

The galaxies of the universe host supermassive black holes at their centers. Their mass is millions to billions of times greater than that of the Sun. Some supermassive black holes launch rapidly expanding plasma outflows and emit strong radio signals, known as radio jets. It’s been almost 52 years since the radio jet was discovered. Ever since this power of the universe has been revealed. Since then, more and more information about them started gathering. Even after a long time, much remains incomprehensible about this. Of course, its secrets remain intact even today. How do they arise. Especially how the source of energy emanating from them is created and how does the plasma reach it.

Research done in M ​​87 galaxy black

Scientists made this discovery in collaboration with the Event Horizon Telescope. The center of the universe’s galaxy M87 was studied. Several radio photographs were taken. Then a conclusion was reached. This black hole is almost in the middle of the galaxy and the spin powers the radio jet. which suggests that the plasma loading mechanism is elucidated.

Such is this unique process

Recent studies have claimed that black holes are highly magnetized because the magnetized plasma inside galaxies carries the magnetic field to the black hole. Then the neighboring magnetic energy momentarily releases its energy through magnetic reconnection, activating the plasma surrounding the black hole. This magnetic reconnection provides the energy source for solar flames.

Can be seen by X-ray detectors.


Plasma in solar flames gives off ultraviolet rays and X-rays, while magnetic reconnection around black holes can cause gamma-ray emission because there is much more than the solar energy released per plasma particle. The current scenario proposes that the emitted gamma rays interact with each other and generate abundant electron-positron pairs, which are loaded into the radio jet. Nearby radio jets: The supermassive black holes in our galaxy are not much known by radio features. Researchers believe the scenario predicts short-term X-ray emission when the radio jet begins to fill with plasma. These X-ray signals are missed by current X-ray detectors, but they can be seen by the X-ray detectors employed.

what do scientists say

“Under this scenario, future X-ray astronomy will be able to uncover the plasma loading mechanism in radio jets, a long-standing mystery of black holes,” says study lead author Shigeo KimuraDetails of the research by Kimura and his team are published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on 29 September 2022.


Photo: Tohoku University



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